A day out in the moody garden
We finally took the baby out for a road trip, not to a restaurant, not to a store, but to galveston. Since my parents are here to help with the baby, we couldn't really sit around in the house on a four-day weekend, so we set off for the moody garden. Interesting choice, you would say. But Connie does not make random decisions. Ideas grow in her mind, get calculated, with advantages and disadvantages measured, and then she sells the idea to Oliver, who for a good portion of time, supports her unconditionally.

The reasons why this idea worked were as follows: 1. It was a beautiful weekend; 2. The moody garden is a family destination suited for all ages; 3. The majority of the activity took place indoors with some outdoor touch (like the rainforests), so my young baby could handle it; 4. My parents had never been to an aquarium, which was a shame everyone could agree on; 5. If needed, some of us could go to some activity while my baby takes a little nap. (Lucas is a party-pooper when he lacks sleep. This fact has been proven twice).

The day turned out to be a success, a little expensive, though. We had bought the day pass for everyone, but realistically we went to the rainforests, the paddleboat, and the aquarium.

My parents enjoyed the trip very much. Lucas made some noise in front of the huge tanks where seals swim around. He was either laughing, or crying. I am just happy he had some response to it. My mental note: Buy a one-year family membership which holds up to 5 individuals, and bring as many under-3-year-old as possible (they are free).
What a happy family!The baby is so cute and connie still so beautiful.And your parents looks in so fine mood. Say hello to them for me.
Hi Connie, Glad to see the trip went well. I've been to moody gardens for the Imax but that is about it...guess I need to check it out again next time I am in town.
They have this beach thing really good for kids, but it won't open until may!
Hi, Connie:
Check out Mia's blog. I will send you an invitation in a second.
HI Connie, nice blogg, cute baby, great to see how you are doing. I love your writing! You funny! -Z
Thanks guys for visiting. I am so happy Mia is having her own blog. She is growing fast. Keep up!
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