Three legged doggie
In a recent event, Onion Ring has damaged one of his hind legs. Specifically speaking, but maybe not medically precise, he has dislocated one of his shoulder sockets. It happened after an exciting shower time, when the doggie got so excited, and landed wrongly on the hard floor. In retrospect, I was also partially responsible since my belly muscle might have contributed to the speed with which he was bounced back to the ground after he jumped to give me a push. Remember a saying like "some small event can determine the outcome of the whole war", this incident has also changed his life for ever.
The doctor's verdict was that Onion Ring was to have his leg back into the socket, but unless he stopped the reckless way of his in jumping around, the same event was bound to happen again. Several scenarios could happen: 1. By miracle, the dog understood what the doctor said, and changed his way of behaving, and became a placid dog; 2. The dog breaks his leg again, and needs a surgery to replace the sack; 3. The dog stops using his wounded leg altogether. None of the above, NONE, would enable him to be the same again. Our poor doggie, is therefore, going to lose his trademark: jumping around like crazy. We were so sure the second scenario was to occur, but on the contrary, even though his bondage was taken off, Onion Ring still walked around with three legs. Therefore, the correct answer is No. 3!!
How can he function like this? Wouldn't he prefer to use all four legs when they are all accessible? Intrigued by his choice, I looked it up with two key words: three-legged dogs. And I discovered a whole community of dogs who only have three legs. Some of them lose one of the front legs, and some of them lose one of the hind legs. I drew a conclusion from these observations: four legs are not necessary for a dog's survival at least in a domestic environment, however, losing one of them jeopardizes their complete functionality: we have to carry Onion Ring to get in our bed now:(
Even though Onion Ring walked around in a funny way these days, I am sure he does not think there is anything funny about his whole situation. His spirits, which we used to cherish and complain about the same time, are compromised. Hopefully, one day, he will recover completely, to be a happy doggie once more, who thinks he can take on the world...... without the jumping and barking part, of course!