Connie and Oliver's new life

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dotlicious Walli $50
Lounger $100

Picture frames $20
Baby Priceless

Mobile $50
Turtle $25
The ultimate nursery

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ten reasons why you should buy a big-flat-screen-TV when you also have a baby coming

We are rational animals, therefore, whatever we do, we try to find good reasons to justify it. Otherwise, our names would always be crowned with words like "impulsive", "irresponsible", and etc. Therefore, since we did one of "Don't Dos" in the "what you should prepare yourself for if you have a baby coming list", I feel obligated to find ten reasons why it is a good thing, and hopefully, release us from the guilt that we might have done something wrong to our incoming child.

Long story short, we bought a big flat screen LCD TV.

Now, why? Because-
10: It distracts us from the anxiety of waiting. Everyone knows how hard it is, it takes for ever. A new baby is big, almost nothing else can compare to the excitement, and the freshness of a brand new baby coming home, except for an even bigger, more expensive big flat screen TV.
9: Let's face it, we are staying home more and longer now. Having a nice TV only makes it easier.
8: Babysitters love big flat screen TV.
7: It helps balancing the budget, so we don't go baby shopping crazy.
6: Babies also like big flat-screen TV.
5: It also helps Mommy and Daddy overcome the post-partum depression (preemptive strike).
4: Financially, it makes sense. Let's assume that we have $2000 extra money in the bank all the time. Would we rather spend it now, and enjoy the TV for 20 years, or would we rather wait for 20 years till the kids finish their college and then buy a TV? The answer is clear, my friends.
3: Did I mention we were going to have a baby, which would give us a huge tax cut? Just consider the TV as the bonus materials that come with the baby!
2: Also, did I mention the features of the digital cable, including pictures still, instant play-back, and a smaller window inside the big screen? They will all come handy when you have a baby in your hand. Trust me.
1: We are going to have someone to take care of us when we are old!! Who needs to save money?!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Is it a good thing?

I know, I know, it is too early to draw any conclusion regarding whether we, as a married and responsible couple, should have kids. Despite the fact that we are two intelligent people, and the passing-on of our good genes is a good contribution to the great society (the next Einstein could be in my belly right now), more importantly, my clock is clicking..... That is just the internal part, the external clock is pounding even more heavily. Just like our circadian rhythm, our activity is determined by our internal sensors and the light-dark cycle of our environment.

As a new mother, even though I was fully prepared for the dramatic changes which are bound to happen to me and my little family, I am still little shocked. My entire wardrobe is useless. And my body is going through a kind of metamorphosis that is anything but similar to the process where a beautiful butterfly comes out of her cocoon. The worst has yet to come, but I already strongly feel that my little one owes me a treat at a spa on every single mother's day from now on.

As for our little family, the promising junior has been nothing but joy and hope. We try not to look too far into the future like the teenager years. There is a little monster in every child, but the problem arises when the little is no little any more. With such joy and hope in mind, we managed several revolutionary changes to our way of living. We gave our house a makeover, and started housekeeping. The fruits of our effort are so delicious just like the ones you get from the whole foods.

I guess it is a good thing, then, calculating the gain and the loss at this stage, not that we have any choice to go back time. Therefore, my single or proper aged-friends, I recommend this to you. But no warranty......

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I am not sure of the purpose of this blog, except that I got jealous of other people's blogs, and thought it was a really good way of sharing without me making too much effort (because I am lazy). Without a clear vision of this blog, it was very difficult to come up with a title, so I conveniently took advantage of my current condition, and announced the birth of my blog as a milestone of our new life with an addition to our little family. However, the scope of the blog should extend beyond the purpose of recording our new child. Therefore, dear viewers, even though you might not have a baby fever, you shall still find something worthy of reading as long as you care what is going on with us and what I have to say. So far, this article hasn't been very interesting, but I felt I had to outline some objectives of this blog, which I also failed to do. Now you can tell you are entering a scattered mind, so, consider yourself warned:)