Lucas is 100 days old
Up to Dec. 30th, Lucas is 100 days old. For those who are not of Chinese origin, I feel that I ought to explain this tradition. I have a theory why Chinese consider a baby's 100th day being a worthy date to remember, however, I do not recall where I formed this idea or where I got it from. It is very possible I simply just made it up, which wouldn't be a surprise for those who know me because I don't really have the reputation of double-checking my resources. But it does not make any difference in this case, because you are in my world, and I have warned you from the very very beginning.
Here it goes: Just like the superstition that you shall not announce a baby's name until he/she is born in case something shall happen, it is maybe even a safer idea to wait until the baby is 3 months old before you celebrate his/her birth. On the 100th day after the baby's birth, all relatives and friends gather to congratulate the parents.
What did we do for Lucas' 100th day then? Not much. Since we already celebrated his ever existence (baby party), and a safe birth, a 100-day celebration seems (well?) redundant. We couldn't pass the tradition of documenting the baby's portrait because my parents feel pretty strong about it (in fact, the 100th day picture was the earliest documentation of my life). We went to a studio for some professional works. They are expensive!!!! More expensive than wedding pictures!!! We spent a good solid 100 bucks on five picture sheets. And I don't even have a digital version of the pictures. Therefore, I can only post the pictures we took ourselves on Lucas' 100th day. If you like my works, and would like to hire me to take your baby's pictures, I only charge 50% of the commercial prices, and you get the digital version for only $9.99.